Awe… there’s nothing quite like reading a good blog post! During the past few months , I have discovered Jami and Talai’s blog pages and I have very much enjoyed reading their posts! The only thing is….. I don’t know what to write about for my first post as a blogger. I’ve been a reader not a writer of blogs…this blogging is uncharted terrain for me! So since I'm in a creative writing mood, I think for my first post I will make an attempt at writing creatively about reading Jami and Talai’s blogs.
In our day to day routines we sometimes come across moments that seem to take us to places outside of ourselves. These moments seem to be like what a lunar experience would be when an astronaut's movements are slow and gracefull when walking on the surface of the moon. In the midst of these moments time seems to slow down and waits patiently for us to be taught things that can only be understood in these unique moments. These are paradoxical moments in our lives and these moments can come to us by way of smell, sound, sight, taste and touch.
There are moments, when reading Jami and Talai’s blogs, when it's like encountering a particular fragrance that has the power to awaken special memories that once were.
Reading about Eliza, Sydney, and Owen in Jami and Talai's blogs is like hearing the beckoning laughter of children at a nearby playground.
Reading about the family activities Jami and Talai write about is like the warmth of a camp fire that creates a mood of love for the important things in life.
Reading Jami and Talai’s blogs about how things work out, when there are ups and downs, is like being filled with feelings of awe and wonder while watching a South Pacific sunset with its glowing shades of crimson.
Reading Jami and Talai’s stories are like feelings of gratitude that come when feeling and tasting clear, crystal, clean, cold water go down your throat on a hot summer's day.
Reading Jami and Talai’s blogs is like the enveloping, reverent, calmness of feeling the weightlessness of a new born infant in your arms.
These examples of paradoxical moments are describing the moments that Jami and Talai have shared with us via blog form. It’s not the blog post by itself that make reading blogs enjoyable, but it’s the people—the members of our family—that makes reading these blogs enjoyable.
There may be moments in our lives, when in loneliness, we metaphorically come upon the sounds of chit-chat and laughter wafting from a well-lighted mountain cottage at dusk. When experiencing real equivalent moments in life, our curiosity and loneliness may cause us to have a strong longing to be inside that cottage—Jami and Talai’s blog posts have given us a sense of being inside that lofty mountain cottage. Thanks Jami and Talai for sharing your day to day lives with us by allowing us to read your blogs.