I rented "Tarzan" for the girls last night (they've never seen it - what a shame!) and we ate porporn and enjoyed the movie. They went to bed very well for me and by 9:30 I had the night to myself. I watched "Baby Mama", another film I hadn't seen, and enjoyed being snuggled up in my doubled fleece blanket on the couch (minus the annoying remarks from my husband about what a chick flick the movie was). Quite nice actually.
At about 3:00 this morning, I welcomed a warm visitor into my bed. Eliza never does this, but I didn't complain. To be honest I needed the comfort as well as she did because I was hearing noises throughout the house. She snuggled in next to me and I was glad for the extra warmth.
This morning I opened my eyes to Sydney's face about 2 centimeters from my face. It must have been her raspy breathing that woke me. I looked at my watch. Hmmm, 8:30. Good time to wake up.
I decided to make bran muffins. While I stirred and measured, Sydney enjoyed a bowl of Corn Pops. In her words, "Mommy, I want Corn Maze cereal" (must be the corn maze we went through last week). Cute.
Eliza slumbered out of bed. I loved her wobbly walk as she made it to the kitchen barstool. Her choice of cereal: Frosted Mini Wheats, minus the milk-she likes it on the side. By then my muffins were out of the oven. Hmmm . . . they smelled heavenly and remind me of my mother-in-law (only they're better when she makes them). Eliza pushed her bowl of dry cereal away and asked, "Mommy, can I have one of those?". Pleased the she wanted one of the muffins, I buttered one up and she ate the whole thing. I ate one too. Actually, I ate 2 with a glass of orange juice.
Sydney got into the pantry and lined up these things on the table. It kept her busy. She also kept talking into her arm saying, "Hello to star command, are you there?". She's been a little obsessed with "Toy Story" lately. Pretty funny. Oh, and she also asked, "Mommy, do you want a Doctor Pecker for breakfast?". Ha ha.
Meanwhile, Wesley has been sleeping and I'd better slip into the shower so I can be perfectly ready for his morning arrival.
I love those two li'l girls! Isn't it nice to be able to raise such wonderful little tikes?
That was really fun to read. It made me want to be there with all of you. I could almost smell those muffins coming right through the computer.
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